Cara njamin produksi mesin cetakan injeksi kanthi aman


1. Priksa sadurunge instalasi peralatan
Ingmesin cetakan injeksi is composed of various parts. A warm reminder from the mesin cetakan injeksi manufacturer that all parts of the mesin cetakan injeksi should be inspected before installation, mainly steel structure, bearings, bolts, etc. At the same time, record whether the surface of the part is anti-corrosive for future inspection.

2. Pangiriman lan pangopènan peralatan
In the normal operation of the mesin cetakan injeksi, the mesin cetakan injeksipabrikan kudu nindakake pangopènan saben dina lan rutin sesuai karo peraturan, lan pangopènan saben dinane tanggung jawab kanggo ngresiki, ngencengi, ndhuk, nyetel, lan nglindhungi korosi. Iki minangka inspeksi saben dina lan perawatan rutin. Pangopènan lan ndandani peralatan mekanik ing wektu sing ditemtokake, reresik, pelumasan, penyesuaian, pembongkaran lan pangopènan minangka konten utama.

3. Nyuwun reformasi

Sajrone mrikso ingmesin cetakan injeksi, overhaul means that the equipment is severely worn or damaged, and the mechanical performance is significantly reduced. The mesin cetakan injeksi manufacturer warns everyone that overhaul should be carried out in accordance with the regulations: the mechanical power performance is significantly reduced, the fuel consumption increases, the operation is invalid, or the abnormal audio equipment cannot display normal production performance. Therefore, a comprehensive and thorough repair method must be adopted. Repairs also need to arrange a work schedule. In the process of reconstruction, there will be scraps, and professional maintenance personnel will be responsible for implementation. Records and acceptance are required. Provide overhaul acceptance certificate before installing multiple or close to discarded equipment, and record the scrap status at the same time.

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